Our Next Week's Meeting: Board meeting
Last Week's News:
Guests and Happenings:
~Rotarians -
~ Guests: - John Metherell, Beth Gilbert,Megan Shapiro Ross, Agnes Charlesworth
Club News:
Calendar Raffle Preparation ~ Time to gather in the prizes to populate the
2023 December Calendar, we need to have the calendar dates filled by November so we can start calendar sales!
Our 2022 December Raffle Calendar
News from Romania ~ Erika sends greetings to the Club from her home in Romania. Erika was a Rotary Youth Exchange Student here for the 2022-2023 school year. She plans to attend the Mincu University of Architecture in Bucharest next year. She loves history and drawing, a couple of the photos and videos she sent show the city bulidings. Included in her application she is sending to the University is the hands-on experiance she got working with stained glass and boat building at Traip.
Erika (far right) and her family
President Pam reviewed the events coming up in October and circulated a signup sheet for volunteers, October is a full month of activities, we will meet in the morning and the evening on October 24th and there will be no meeting October 31st (Scary!) Happy Halloween!
The first order of the meeting was to induct Shealagh Gray as our newest club member.
Shea has been very active already with the club, joining her husband and recent new club member Bob. Shea is also our first official horticulturist and they both have a long history of volunteering in the community.
President Pam Gray, New Member Shea Gray, and her husband, Club member Bob Gray
The next order of business was to distribute donations to three organizations which the club has long supported. The intention is to provide funds earlier in the year to support each organizations planning for the year.
Megan Shapiro Ross, Director of Footprints Food Pantry, reports that they have seen a sharp increase in individuals and families needing food support, they are currently serving 195 households with many of them over 65. They are trying innovative ways to better serve the community, including a senior panry at baron Place Retirement Center. The Mainspring Community Center of which Footprints is a major component, is planning on a August 2024 opening.
Megan was presented a Club donation check for $750 by president Pam and Treasurer Andy
Agnes Charlesworth of Life and Hope Haiti provided an update on the Eben Ezer School in Haiti. The school, located near the northern coast of Haiti has grown from a start of 35 students to now over 500, with the strong support from Rotary clubs and individuals in southern Maine and New Hampshire. They have created a guest house and restaurant , Chez Bob's (in recognition of the long support of the Kittery restaurant personnel of Bob's) and 20 students help run the facility. They hope to install solar panels on the guest house,
The club presented a Check to sponsor 4 students at $220 apiece ($880 total) at the school.
Beth Guibert of the Kittery Holiday Baskets also joined us this morning. The Club has helped support Kittery holiday Baskets for decades, the program is now in its 70th year,In addition to doing Holiday shopping for needy kittery families, they will be collecting new and gently used winter gear this year at both the Freebie Barn and at the Kittery Library October 16th through November 11th.
The Club presented Beth with a donation check of $500 for the Kittery holiday baskets program.
50-50 Raffle: 50% of the pot goes for club administration and 50% goes to the lucky individual if raffle ticket is chosen and they select the one joker hidden in the ever decreasing deck of cards. If the joker is not drawn then the pot rolls over to the next week.
Agnes had the winning raffle ticket this week:
But, unfortunately, did not get the Joker in the deck!
Club Reminders:
Happy/Sad Dollars on Student of the Month meetings goes to fund our Third Grade Book Project
Happy/Sad dollars during Ocober and November go toward the Holiday Parade Refreshments
Do not forget to regularly check the calendar of our Web Site for long term schedules and the photo Album for updates on our Program pictures and Activity pictures.