Next meeting: NH4Ukraine, Brian Nolan. sharing photos, videos, and highlights from 6 trips providing humanitarian assistance on the ground in Ukraine, guest welcome and encouraged.
Meeting; This was our February Students of the Month Meeting, held at R.W. Traip Academy. See the story below.
President Pam reported on the 100 Plus Blood Drive celebration of February 15th and encouraged Club members to invite guests to our March 5th meeting with the representative of the non-profit NH4Ukraine.
On March 12, our presentation will be by Bob Gray, who will lead us through the capabilities of the Clubrunner website.
50-50 Raffle: 50 percent of the proceeds go toward club administration costs, and 50 percent goes into the “Pot”. The holder of the lucky ticket drawn gets to attempt to draw the Joker from the deck. If the joker is not drawn the pot grows as the Deck of cards shrinks.
Last meeting Pauli won the pot so with a new pot (now $5), and a new deck of cards (now 52), Jeanine had the lucky ticket drawn:
And Jeanine drew the Ace of Clubs! So, the pot will grow as the deck shrinks!