Next Week's Meeting: Supporting local community services
Guests and Happenings:
~Rotarians - PDG David Underhill, Linda Underhill, Bob and Pat Knight, Palm Coast Fl. ~Guests: - Mary and Don DeLong, Palaka, FL
Club News: Great to have fellow Rotarians Bob and Pat Knight and their not - yet Rotarian daughter and son-in-law join us today, they were in the area enjoying a family gathering. Bob and Pat reported that their Club's major fund raiser and Community event was a very large light show they erect and staff each year. The project recieves funds by donations from attendees and has been very successful in providing funds for their other service activities.
President Pam reviewed the very full month of activities coming up (see below), please mark your calendars! It is time to start collecting prizes for our December Calendar raffle.
Our speaker today was PDG Dave Underhill, introduced by PDGx2 (and current Club Foundation Chair) Marie.
Dave has been President of the Portsmouth Rotary Club (2013-2014) and the Brattleboro VT Rotary Club (1989-1990). He has been a Rotarian since joining the Brattleboro Club in 1984. He was District 7780 Governor in 2017-2018, is the current year's Vice-Governor, past chair of the District Finance committee, and currently Chair of the District Foundation Committee. He is a member of Rotary's Bequest Society and a Major Donor member of the Paul Harris Society.
Dave is a media and business consultant in Portsmouth and his expertise at getting his point across is excellent. Dave talked to us of what the Rotary Foundation does, and how the funds get distributed and used, as Global Grants and District Grants. He talked of the efficiency of the Foundation as a result of control through and by Rotarians and Rotary Clubs. Dave went over some of the current local District and club grants that have been funded and of the global initiatives, starting with Polioplus and the seven areas of focus (see below) . Recently Rotary has also made grants available for Disaster Response Funds. PDG Marie remarked how District 7780 had received Disaster Response funding to provide relief for communities in Maine as a result of a massive Ice storm on one of her two terms as District Governor.
Dave geeting AG Maryna who joined us online while returning from dropping off a daughter to school
~ Maryna walked through the door a few minutes later!
PDG Dave talked how his initial regular support for the Foundation was fairly modest, but grew; and Marie stated how our club has tried to budget funds so that the club can match donations by members in their name up to $100, to double a members impact, most of our current Paul Harris level donors got their giving jump-started with matching Club funds. Smaller donations can also be set up to be drawn each month ~adding up to a significant amount of yearly support
PDG Dave signed a book to be donated to the school libraries in his name.
50-50 Raffle: 50% of the pot goes for club administration and 50% goes to the lucky individual if raffle ticket is chosen and they select the one joker hidden in the ever decreasing deck of cards. If the joker is not drawn then the pot rolls over to the next week.
Today the Pot was $99.50 and PDG Dave Underhill had the selected ticket:
Alas, it was the 8 of Hearts Dave removed from the deck!
But, He is a winner for having played the Game ;-) !