Last Week's News:
Guests and Happenings:
~ Rotarians: None
~ Guests: Kathyrn Varney
Club News:
Table of Plenty October 12th ~Club members Bob, Shea, Andy, and President Pam supported the Table of Plenty as they prepared and served approximately 100 diners, mostly carry-out, last Thursday night. The beginning of a very busy October. Next up, The Red Cross Blood Drive October 19th, followed by the KCC Halloween Party on Octover 21st! - but wait! There is more! Check the Calendar of events below!
Our December Calendar Raffle Fundraiser for our Service work:
Only a few more days to line up the prizes for our 2023 December Calendar raffle
Please get the information to Andy by October 27 to support the preparation of our 2023 Calendar to start sales in November
President Pam reminded us that October 13th was the 36th Anniversary of the Club being chartered in 1987, and PDGx2 Marie was there!
We welcomed Kathryn Varney, Board Member of "Table of Plenty". Catherine brought us up to date on the "Table of Plenty" mission and the various volunteers (including our Club) who help prepare and provide the meals. Originally concieved as a program where people could gather for a hot meal and fellowship while being served by community volunteers, the program since the pandemic, has been providing mostly take-out meals. Sit down meals are still an option, but most guests are still leery of close gatherings.The Kittery Program has continued to provide 80- 100 meals a week on Thursday nights.
Continuing our support, Club President Pam provided a Club donation check for $750 to support the work of our Kittery Program of "Table of Plenty"
Our speaker today was not a "guest", but Club member Bob Gray, who is also the President of the Kittery Historical and Naval Society/Museum. Bob spoke to us of "Murders in Kittery" appropriate for the Halloween Season.
Bob's talk usually goes for an hour, so he focused on the early murders recorded, starting with the late 1600's. In a reminder that slavery was also a northern problem, the first two murders documents involved slaves owned by Kittery residents.
The map displayed shows the residents of Kittery living around Spruce Creek around 1700.
Bob is pointing to the approximate location of the Community Center where we are meeting, and noted that one historian had commented that the people residing in the Spuce Creek area were a pretty rough bunch.
Thanks to Bob for a little bit of the colorful Kittery lore. We had Bob sign a book to be donated in his name to he local schools library.
50-50 Raffle: 50% of the pot goes for club administration and 50% goes to the lucky individual if raffle ticket is chosen and they select the one joker hidden in the ever decreasing deck of cards. If the joker is not drawn then the pot rolls over to the next week.
PDG Andy had the lucky ticket, and the pot now holds all of $125.50!
And Andy pulled the 10 of Diamonds from the deck!
but he is "A winner for having played the Game!!"
Guess who first said that! ;-)
Birthdays: Oct 27 ~ Brad
Club Reminders:
Happy/Sad Dollars on Student of the Month meetings goes to fund our Third Grade Book Project
Happy/Sad dollars during October go toward the Holiday parade refreshments