Next Meeting: Club Business meeting, 0730 at the Kittery Community Center
Our online attendees were on "small screen", freeing the big screen for presentations
Illness struck again today and we were somewhat diminished, as President Pam, Andy, Bob, Shea, and Sue were all in absentia physically but Keith had arrived early to ensure we were on line and Andy and the Grays were able to join us via zoom.
President-Elect Pauli filled in as the onsite acting Club President
Guests: Nellie Young, John Baiducci, Sheila Chapman, Chris Lombardo
50-50 Raffle - the holder of the lucky ticket drawn gets the opportunity to draw a card from the ever decreasing deck of cards. If they draw the Joker from the deck they get the Pot (50% of the sale of Raffle Tickets goes to fund club administration and 50% goes to the "pot".
Today the holder of the lucky raffle ticket drawn was Brad and the Pot is currently at $190!
But, alas, Brad nipped the King of Hearts (the joker was just a couple of cards to his right ;-)
Fifth Tuesday Meeting: Pauli reminded all that the last meeting of January is a club social at the "Board". The meeting will be on Wednesday instead of Tuesday that week (The "Board" is open Wednesday through Sunday). Guests are highly encouraged. So the end of the Month meeting is Wednesday January 30th, 5-6 pm!
Jeanne brought up an observation from her discussions with friends: that they liked what Rotary did and were interested in supporting , but could not commit to attending a meeting every week, She suggested that some alternative involvement might encourage people to participate. (For years Rotary encouraged and celebrated perfect attendance, but for at least the last 10 years, in recognition of changing cultural norms, Rotary has dropped regular attendance as a requirement but as she has observed, that perception is still there and holds potential members back. Suggestions were made by Jeanne and others and the club will be looking at approaches at our business meeting,